
Dave Charman, Richard Coles, Debbie Don, Jo Jenkins, Pete Jenkins, Jan Smewing.


Apologies for Absence

Eric Clarke, Danny Haste, Pat Lloyd-Jacob, Dave Wooster, Shelley Wooster.


Minutes of Last Meeting



Matters Arising



Secretary’s Report

Nothing to report.


Treasurer’s Report

Nothing to report, still working on accounts.


Editor’s Report

We welcomed Debbie to the Committee.  She will collect and collate items for publication in the Club magazine and get them to David for printing before the monthly deadlines.


Membership Secretary’s Report

Not present.


Competition Secretary’s Report

If we hold an evening trial at Don’s we need to decide if we want to do our own barbecue or let the owners provide the food.  Richard will make enquiries regarding holding an evening trial at Sparticles Wood, although we would need to do some clearing beforehand for parking.

The Star Group is looking for a new President and Pete may put himself or Keith Cross forward for the role.  Southern Sporting, who are part of the Star Group, will possibly be stepping down from running a trial next year.

The possibility of running our August Club trial in conjunction with our South Coast trial was discussed, as opposed to holding it at the Camping Weekend.  We decided this was not really workable and will drop our August Club trial.  Scores will now be best 8 from 11.

When we use Hookwoods for trials, we are charged £8 per rider by the owners, which is what we charge our under 16s.  A lot of Surrey Schoolboys usually attend Hookwoods so we are in effect losing money as we have to pay for their insurance too.  We do not want to increase the rate for our riders so guest riders will be charged an extra £5 at Hookwoods to help contain costs.

We will update our entry forms to give four choices – adult RRND member, child RRND member, adult guest and child guest – so that it is easier to identify guest riders.

The Old Codger has been booked for 18 October 2009, so our Club trial will take place the following Sunday, 25 October.

Social Secretary’s Report

Unfortunately the Dinner Dance had to be cancelled.  We needed a minimum of 30 people to run this event and only had a possible 20.  A decision was made to cancel, at a loss to the Club of £719.

Jo and Pete offered to run a seventies themed party at their house as an alternative evening out, open to all RRND members, £10 per head to cover cost of food, people to bring a bottle, any left over monies to go into Club funds.  This will be advertised on the website.  A new gazebo will be purchased for use at same, as well as other Club events.


Annual General Meeting

This was well attended.  The Minutes have been put on the website.


Any Other Business

The Smith family won the competition to design a new Club logo, with the prize being free membership.  Jo will reimburse the £24 they have paid for family membership.             JJ

We may purchase a Club bike.  Some of the people that attend the Training Trials would like to try a bike.  They usually join the Club after a few trials so it would be a good idea.  It would need to be transported (probably by Richard Coles) and maintained and would only be available to non members at training trials.  At other times we may hire it out to members if their bike isn’t working.  We will look for a 200cc machine and Dave Charman will take to Chris Roos as he may have a suitable bike available.


Date of Next Meeting

Wednesday 6th May 2009 at the Home Cottage, Redstone Hill, Redhilll.