AGM 2003 - The Whole Committee Is To Resign!


Next February the whole committee is to resign and unless people, (yes this may even mean YOU!!), take up the vacant positions the club will cease to function; so no trials, no camping weekends, no rideouts, no BarBQs, no dinner dances, not ever again, ever. This will mean the sad demise of a long standing, proud and growing club!  Those of you who know the rules will know the committee resigns every year and probably some of us may stand again, but some may not. Whether we do will depend on many things so you should not assume we all will! One of the things I’s sure we all consider is how much support we get from club members. The more support the easier things are for us and I venture to say the more likely we are to stand again for another year.


On a completely different subject, I would like to ask for a volunteer to take on the role of Treasurer for the rest of the year, (or longer if you wish!). Pete Jenkins has been doing this for two years now but we’d like him to change his role as we need an Assistant Competition Secretary. We also have a vacancy for a  Social Secretary and for a member without portfolio if someone would like to give these a go. Please give me a ring to discuss what you can do to help the club survive before I start chasing you!


Steve Whitmore


Chairman’s Chatter


I shall ignore the Editor’s libelous comment in last months mag referring to my new Harley touring outfit as being a tractor and trailer. Instead I shall just mention in passing that £1000 worth of plastic on someone’s tupperware torpedo recently came to grief, (give thanks the rider is OK), and move right on to other matters.


The committee would still like to offer you the chance to lay out a trial if you would like to do so? If you haven’t done it before then we’ll be quite happy for you to accompany more experienced layer-outers for a couple of trials so they can give you some pointers. There is a list of our trials on the back page and we would welcome volunteer’s assistance. This is your opportunity to give back a bit to the club.


New people with new ideas help keeps sections fresh and entertaining. Laying out will also help you to understand why it is that you lose the odd point here or there on what looked like an easy section. The art and mastery of the cunning and devious old bug... blighters who lay out is to take those odd points while leaving the impression that it should have been easy to clean. So step up the fresh volunteers, no one need be worried that they’ll be turned away! Give us a hand, you know it makes sense!


Steve Whitmore